Base Reward Wallet Updates

2 min readJul 30, 2022


We are pleased to announce the near completion of our crypto banking application. We are currently left with 1 more milestone to launch our first service across the world and Africa in particular.

We are also glad to announce the deployment of our banking application website and Waitlist for those who wish to be the first to be notified when we go live for beta release.

The launch of the app Beta is delayed.

We know a lot of us were hopefully expecting the release window for app beta, but due to a change in the scope of work, technical difficulties with one of our banking partners, and the conclusion of a partnership with the world-leading crypto provider ( can’t disclose until all procedures are finalized ). We will move the app launch to another date which will be communicated in a short while, the time to seal the new partnership which will be the biggest plus for the project so far, and also have our current partner get things solved from their end so we can round up with the production stage.

We will be announcing an AMA ( Ask Me Anything ) with the community in a short while to talk about the current state of the project and moving forward.

Thanks for your support

Base Reward Team.




Base Reward is developing an effective and scalable web 3.0 one-stop-shop, play, trade, and earns ecosystem (Base Reward Ecosystem)